You can edit each governance policy to enforce customized approval rules. Below is a list of approval rules you can choose from for each governance policy.

Approval RuleDescription
Auto RejectionOperations are rejected immediately without needing approvals.
Auto ApprovalOperations are processed immediately without needing approvals.
Approval QuorumSelect a list of approvers and set up a T out of N approval quorum. (e.g. 2 out of 3 approvers must approve for operations to be processed).

Approvers can either be specific users or user roles.
Customized WorkflowCreate a customized workflow to enhance the flexibility of your action strategies.

To edit a governance policy, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Cobo Portal.

  2. Click the profile icon at the bottom left corner, and choose Organization.

  3. Click the Governance Policies tab.

  4. Hover over the more icon the more icon in the Action column and select the edit icon Edit to open the Edit Approval Rule pane.

  5. Update the approval rule.

  6. Click Save.

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