To manage Staking, click the Apps icon on Cobo Portal, find Staking, then click Open to open Staking.

On the Staking page, the Assets table provides a comprehensive view of your staking status across different assets and protocols. You can find the following information:

  • Asset - Displays supported tokens and the corresponding staking protocols for each token type, for example, BTC and its staking protocol Babylon. You can click the protocol icons or names to learn more about the protocol.
  • Est. APR - Estimated Annual Percentage Rate (APR). If no APR data is available, it will be represented as “—”.
  • Staked Amount - The amount of assets currently staked, including those in the Active state and the Unstaking in Progress state. A balance of zero is displayed as “0,” while an absence of holdings is shown as “—”.
  • Unclaimed Rewards - Rewards that have been issued but not yet claimed.
  • Withdrawable Amount - The amount of assets available for withdrawal to your wallet.
  • Available to Stake - The amount of assets that can be staked from the wallets in Wallet Scopes, which you set during app installation. You can update Wallet Scopes by editing app settings.
  • Actions
    • Click the Stake button to initiate staking under the protocol.
    • Click the View button to view detailed staking information for that protocol.
      The View button will only appear if you have staked assets under the protocol.
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